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The <WheelFriction> tag within <TruckTire> desribes the friction parameters of this tire.

NOTE: The meaning of some attributes of this tag has changed in Expeditions, see Wheel Friction Changes for details.


  • BodyFriction="1.3"
    Both in Expeditions and SnowRunner:
    (Mandatory.) Friction with the ground, clean terrain without mud, and other collision objects. Default value: 1, Value range: [0.1; 10].

    NOTE: In Expeditions, the value of this coefficient can be changed by the OnModelFriction attribute in the decreased pessure modes of the <TiresInflationSystem>.

  • BodyFrictionAsphalt="1.5"
    In Expeditions (NEW):
    Friction with rocks. I.e., friction with map models that have the FrictionPreset attribute of the <Body> tag configured in their XML class of the model. Typically, this preset is configured for models of rocks, stones, and other similar objects. Default value: 1. Value range: [0.1; 10].
    In SnowRunner:
    Friction with the road. Default value: BodyFriction, Value range: [0.1; 10].

    NOTE: In Expeditions, the value of this coefficient can be changed by the BodyFrictionAsphalt attribute in the decreased pessure modes of the <TiresInflationSystem>.

  • SubstanceFriction="1.2"
    Both in Expeditions and SnowRunner:
    (Mandatory.) Friction with mud. Default value: 1. Value range: [0; 10].

    NOTE: In Expeditions, the value of this coefficient can be changed by the SubstanceFriction attribute in the decreased pessure modes of the <TiresInflationSystem>.

  • IsIgnoreIce="true"
    Whether or not the ice surfaces should be ignored. For example, this parameter is used for tires with chains.

    Name of the type of tires in the UI. This field links this tire to one of the tire categories in the UI (in the Garage). The value of this field cannot be custom. It must be one of the following predefined values:

    • UI_TIRE_TYPE_HIGHWAY_NAME – highway tires

    • UI_TIRE_TYPE_ALLTERRAIN_NAME – all-terrain tires

    • UI_TIRE_TYPE_OFFROAD_NAME – off-road tires

    • UI_TIRE_TYPE_CHAINS_NAME – chained tires

    • UI_TIRE_TYPE_MUDTIRES_NAME – mud tires