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(NEW) This tag is valid for Expeditions only.

The <TiresInflationSystemSettings> tag works as a container for the settings of the Tire Inflation System.

It contains descriptions of different decreased pressure modes as child tags: <Low> and <Reduced>.

NOTE: Tire Inflation System works with only two pressure modes: <Low> and <Reduced>. The third one – the normal pressure mode – corresponds to default settings of the wheels and is not set up within Tire Inflation System. All child tags of <TiresInflationSystemSettings> except <Low> and <Reduced> are ignored by the system.

Two Setup Scenarios

There are two scenarios for setting up <TiresInflationSystemSettings>:

  • They can be set up using templates, by selection of a particular template for <TiresInflationSystemSettings>.
  • They can be set up explicitly, by specifying all hierarchy of child-tags within <TiresInflationSystemSettings>.

Setup Using Templates

In the first scenario, you can use one of the predefined <TiresInflationSystemSettings> templates from /_templates/trucks.xml or create our own template for these settings in a similar way. And, then, we create a link to this template from the <TiresInflationSystemSettings> tag:

        <TruckTire Mass="75" Mesh="wheels/tire_scout_offroad_4" Name="offroad_1" SubstanceFriction="1.2" >
            <TiresInflationSystemSettings _template="Test" />

This approach will allow us to avoid duplication of the settings and will keep them in a single place.

Explicit Setup

In the second scenario, you can add all hierarchy of child-tags to the <TiresInflationSystemSettings> tag explicitly. Particularly, you can add the <Low> and <Reduced> tags for these decreased pressure modes, and the <TickDamageParams> tag inside some of them for the damage model of this mode.

For example:

        <TruckTire Mass="75" Mesh="wheels/tire_scout_offroad_4" Name="offroad_1" SubstanceFriction="1.2" >
                        MinVel = "2.55"
                        MaxVel = "5.0"
                        MinDamage = "2"
                        MaxDamage = "4"
                        DamageTick = "5"
                        MinVel = "7.0"
                        MaxVel = "10.0"
                        MinDamage = "2"
                        MaxDamage = "4"
                        DamageTick = "5"

NOTE: For details on the particular attributes, see description of child tags.

This approach will allow you to explicitly specify some specific settings directly in the description of the particular tire.