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Info on the interaction of the tire with the environment.


  • Price="4200"

  • UnlockByExploration="false"
    Whether it is unlocked by exploration. I.e., if this option is true, this tire will be locked in the Store, until you find it on the map. Please note that locking tires using the UnlockByExploration attribute should be used in the case of linked mods only.
    Values: true, false

  • AddonUnlockByObjective="false" (NEW)
    Whether or not this tire is granted as a reward for the particular objective that belongs to the particular map. If true, the tire will be locked in the UI, until the accomplishment of this objective. Please note that locking tires using the AddonUnlockByObjective attribute should be used in the case of linked mods only.
    Values: true, false.

  • UnlockByRank="1"
    (Valid for SnowRunner only, used in Expeditions only restrictedly)
    For Expeditions:
    WARNING: In Expeditions, this attribute has only restricted usage. It is still read and processed by the system, but its values other than 1 lock the purchasing of the corresponding tire. I.e., its value must be set to 1. If its value is different (e.g. 2), the player will not be able to use this tire in the Customize menu.
    For SnowRunner:
    Unlocking by the rank.