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14.1.1. \<Mesh>

There may be several of these tags.


  • Frame=\"wheel1\"\ The mesh name that is defined in the Fbx file.

  • HideThreshold=\"0.4\"\ Threshold for hiding. In percent.\ Usage: Consider that the number of spare wheels in the TruckData tag is two (WheelRepairsCapacity = \"2\"). In this case, to hide two wheels as they are spent, you will need:\ -- for one Mesh tag, specify any HideThreshold value in the half-interval of [0.5; 1).\ -- for the second Mesh tag, specify the value in the half-interval of [0; 0.5).\ If you specify a value of 0.4 in this example, then the wheel1 mesh will be hidden when both spare wheels are used up.\