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UI block describing the addon.
See also: <UiDesc> for trucks.


    The short description of this addon that will be displayed in the UI of the game.

  • UiIcon30x30="toolHeadLamp30"
    The small icon of the addon for the UI. Most of addons have no icons that are displayed in the UI, however, if you create a Consumable, this icon will be used for the selection of this consumable in the UI.

  • UiIcon40x40=""
    Not used for addons. See UiIcon40x40 in <UiDesc> for trucks.

  • UiIcon60x60="toolHeadLamp60"
    The large icon of the addon for the UI. Most of addons have no icons that are displayed in the UI, however, if you create a Consumable, this icon will be used for the selection of this consumable in the UI.

    The name of this addon that will be displayed in the UI of the game.
    For Consumables, this text is displayed to the player while selecting a corresponding consumable item within a Resource slot. However, names of predefined consumables (Fuel, Repair parts, Spare wheels) are fixed and cannot be changed by this attribute.