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The socket on the truck where this addon is installed to.
See also: <Socket> tag of the truck.


  • Type="Don71FrontBumper"
    (Mandatory.) The type of the addon that must be exactely the same as one of the types specified in the Names attribute of the <Socket> tag in the XML class of the truck where this addon is installed to.

  • Offset="(0; 0; 0)"
    The position of the attachment point of the addon in the coordinates of the addon (relative to its origin).

    NOTE: The Offset attribute of the <InstallSocket> tag of the addon works similarly to the Offset attribute of the <Socket> tag of the truck. However, the Offset specified in <InstallSocket> will define the shift of this addon on all trucks; the Offset specified in the <Socket> tag of the particular truck will define the shift of this addon on this particular truck.