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Section that describes the sounds of the truck. Sounds are added as child tags.



  • Origin="(2.8; 1.612; 0)"
    The place where the semi-transparent engine is drawn. An emitter for a sound will be created in this position. An emitter is the position from where the sound will be played as a 3D sound.

  • MinDist="10"
    The volume of sounds of the truck decreases after the MinDist distance (linearly from the distance). At distances closer than MinDist, the volume of sounds does not decrease.

  • MaxDist="200"
    After the distance exceeds MinDist, the volume is linearly decreased. At the MaxDist distance, the volume is decreased to zero.

    NOTE: In addition to these parameters, the volume of the truck sounds decreases (depending on the distance) when rendering through the sound library. For example, when X3DAudio library for PC and Xbox One is used. Thus, the MinDist and MaxDist parameters provide an additional effect of decreasing the volume with the increase of the distance.

  • DisableReversePitch="false"
    This flag determines the behavior of the Reverse sound. If this flag is set to true, then the sound will be reproduced without any changes. If it is false, then the FrequencyRatio of the sound will be changed depending on the speed of movement.

Child Tags

Child tags:

            <GearFail       Sound="trucks/common/truck_gear_wrong/truck_gear_wrong_small_modern" />
            <Reverse        Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_low" />
            <BrakePull      Sound="" />
            <BrakeRelease   Sound="" />
            <BrakesSqueal   Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_brakes_squeal" />
            <Gear           Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_gear_shift" />
            <HandbrakeOff   Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_handbrake_off" />
            <AWD            Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_awd" />
            <Honk           Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_honk" />
            <ChassisStress  Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_chassis" />
            <Handbrake      Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_handbrake" />
            <EngineRev      Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_rev" />
            <EngineAccel    Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_acc" />
            <EngineStart    Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_start" />
            <EngineStop     Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_stop" />
            <EngineIdle     Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_idle" />
            <EngineIdle_2d  Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_idle_2d"    IsSound2D="true" />
            <EngineLow      Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_low" />
            <EngineLow_2d   Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_low_2d"     IsSound2D="true" />
            <EngineHigh     Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_high" />
            <EngineHigh_2d  Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_high_2d"    IsSound2D="true" />
            <EngineHeavy    Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_heavy" />
            <EngineHeavy_2d Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_heavy_2d"   IsSound2D="true" />
            <AbruptStop     Sound="" />
            <EngineTrans    Sound=""/>
            <EngineTurbo    Sound=""/>
            <DiffLock       Sound=""/>
            <WaterGurgle    Sound="trucks/common/truck_exhaust_water_gurgle_loop" />
            <WaterDropping  Sound="" />
            <EngineStalling Sound="trucks/common/truck_engine_stalling" />
            <DamagedEngine  Sound="trucks/common/truck_engine_damaged" />
            <Cockpit        Sound="trucks/common/truck_cockpit_loop"            IsSound2D="true"  />


  • Sound="trucks/cotco_canyon/cotco_canyon_start"
    Corresponds to the sound file or a series of sounds files specified for this truck sound.

  • IsSound2D="true"
    A flag indicating that it is not necessary to create an emitter for this sound. Sounds without emitters will be played directly to the speakers or headphones in stereo. For such sounds, there is no dependence of the volume from the distance to the truck (it is logical, because only the sounds of engine belong to this category). These sounds will be played in 2D mode when the player is using the 1st person view or is playing from the cockpit, if the corresponding sounds are specified in XML. If the corresponding sounds are not specified in XML, the default sounds are used. E.g., EngineIdle is used instead of the EngineIdle_2d.