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The <Shaker> tag describes the behavior of the particular non-physical "shaker" bone.

I.e., this tag describes non-physical (independent of Havok physics) rattling of the bone that depends on the current engine power.

The bone rattles according to the noise that has the amplitude and the frequency.


  • Frame="BoneExhaust"
    (Mandatory.) The name of the shaker bone.

  • MinAngle="(0; 0.5; 1)"
    The maximum angles of rotation of the bone when the engine is running, but the vehicle is standing (not moving).

  • MaxAngle="(0; 2; 4)"
    The maximum angles of rotation of the bone when the engine is working at the limit of its power.

  • MaxOffset="(0.1; 0.1; 0.01)"
    Maximum linear bone shifts when the engine is working at the limit of its power.

  • MaxFrequency="0.2"
    Maximum frequency of rattling. Values: [0; 1000], by default: 1.

  • LimitDirectionX="Positive"
    Used to stop negative or positive rotation in the direction of the X axis. Values: Positive, Negative. Particularly, it was used to ensure the correct behavior of the exhaust pipe cap (it should be closed, when the engine is off; when the engine is running, the cap should move only in one direction; the cap should not intersect with the exhaust pipe itself).

  • LimitDirectionY="Positive"
    Similarly to LimitDirectionX.

  • LimitDirectionZ="Positive"
    Similarly to LimitDirectionX.