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The <LimitedFluid> tag describes the semitransparent visualization of the liquid.

Fluids can be displayed within two types of reservoirs only:

  • in the Cylinder with a base perpendicular to the OX axis
  • in the Cube.

The form of the cylinder here is elliptic, i.e. – its base is an ellipse.


  • Color="(86; 186; 255; 255)"
    (Mandatory.) The color of the liquid in reservoir. RGBA color, with Alpha corresponding for visibility of the liquid: 0 – not visible, 255 – maximum visibility.

  • Center="(1.029; 0.7; 0.855)"
    (Mandatory.) The center of the reservoir.

  • LengthX="1.34"
    (Mandatory.) The length of the cylinder. Used only when Type="Cylinder".

  • RadiusY="0.33"
    (Mandatory.) The half of the height of the base of the cylinder (the first semi-axis of a cylinder). Used only when Type="Cylinder".

  • RadiusZ="0.33"
    (Mandatory.) The half of the width of the base of the cylinder (the second semi-axis of a cylinder). Used only when Type="Cylinder".

  • SizeX="1"
    (Mandatory.) The length of the box. Used only when Type="Box".

  • SizeY="1"
    (Mandatory.) The height of the box. Used only when Type="Box".

  • SizeZ="1"
    (Mandatory.) The width of the box. Used only when Type="Box".

  • Type="Cylinder"
    (Mandatory.) Type of the reservoir. May be either "Box" or "Cylinder".

  • ParentFrame="BoneCabin_cdt"
    The name of the bone from the physical model that the reservoir is attached to. By default, it is the root bone.