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The <Rear> tag contains settings for the "leaning out of the window" mechanics. It is used when the player starts looking back in the Cockpit view.


  • HorTransitionStart="-1.2"
    The angle in radians at which the camera shift begins.

  • HorTransitionEnd="-1.5"
    The angle in radians at which the camera shift ends.

  • LimitsVer="(-1.2; 0.2)"
    (Mandatory.) Maximum limits for the vertical rotation of the camera after its shift. Value in radians.

  • RollAngle="-15"
    (Mandatory.) Maximum rotation angle by OX (twist rotation, inclination of the head to left or right). The value of this angle is 0 when the camera is turned by HorTransitionStart, and RollAngle when the camera is turned by HorTransitionEnd. The value of this parameter is in degrees.

  • ViewDir="(1; -0.05; 0)"
    (Mandatory.) Direction vector of the camera when looking back.

  • ViewPosOffset="(0.25; -0.1; 0.7)"
    (Mandatory.) Shift of the camera when looking back.