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Internal camera and windshield.


  • WindshieldDetailDensity="0.6"
    Tiling of the detailed texture (one common texture for all trucks, chips on the windshield). By default: 0.4.

  • WindshieldDiffuseTexture="trucks/tuz_16_actaeon_glass__d_a.tga"
    Diffuse map of the windshield texture (same as on the outside window of the truck). Located in the .../textures/ folder.

  • WindshieldShadingTexture="trucks/tuz_16_actaeon_glass__sh_d.tga"
    Shading map of the windshield texture (same as on the outside window of the truck). Located in the .../textures/ folder.

  • WindshieldDiffuseCleanAlpha="0.5"
    Transparency of the alpha channel. By default: 0.

  • WindshieldDiffuseAlphaContrast="0.5"
    Contrast of the alpha channel. By default: 1.

  • ViewPos="(1.148; 2.6; 0.488)"
    (Mandatory.) Default position of the internal camera.

  • ViewDir="(1; -0.05; 0)"
    (Mandatory.) Default direction vector of the internal camera.

  • LimitsHor="(-2.8; 2.4)"
    (Mandatory.) Limits for the horizontal rotation of the camera. Value in radians.

  • LimitsVer="(-0.32; 0.2)"
    (Mandatory.) Limits for the vertical rotation of the camera. Value in radians.

  • ZoomViewDirOffset="(0; -0.05; 0)"
    (Mandatory.) Shift of the direction vector in case of the camera zoom.

  • ZoomViewPosOffset="(0.2; 0; 0)"
    (Mandatory.) Shift of the camera in case of the zoom.