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The <Rotator> tag describes the bone that rotates when the engine of the truck is turned on.


  • Frame="BoneRotator"
    The non-physical bone, which is rotated.

  • EngineTorqueFactor="0"
    (Mandatory.) The effect of the engine speed on the rotation speed. If the value equals 0, then the bone will be rotating with RotationSpeed when the engine is started and will not accelerate with the increase of the engine speed. If the engine is turned off, the rotator will not rotate.

  • RotationSpeed="3"
    (Mandatory.) Speed of rotation. By default: 0.

  • RotationAxis="(0; 1; 0)"
    (Mandatory.) The rotation axis. By default: (0; 1; 0).

  • Name="Lightbar"
    The name of the rotator.