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Group of Powered Constraints. So-called Powered Group. Contains a group of powered constraints that are activated simultaneously.

Powered constraints within this group are described using special <Constraint> tags that are different from the regular <Constraint> tags described in the <PhysicsModel>.

These special <Group><Constraint> tags must be tied to the corresponding regular <PhysicsModel><Constraint> tags by Name. I.e., they must have the same value of the Name attribute.

The <Motor> tag within a <PhysicsModel><Constraint> tag must have Type attribute equal to Position, if this constraint is tied to a <Group><Constraint> tag as described above.

If such group is not within a <Chain>, the powered constraints within this group can be activated by a certain Action, i.e., when a player is pressing a particular button, see Action below. Or, such groups can be activated by the game logic.

For details on Powered Constraints, Groups, and Actions, see Powered Constraints: Overview and Actions. Their Mapping to Buttons in the Additional Info on Trucks.


  • Action="1"
    This number defines the button that can used by the player for the activation or deactivation of this Powered Group and will be displayed in the UI (see ExternalUi below). Regardless of their setup (via <Chain> tag, or via <Group> tag), Powered Constaints are activated and deactivated by the single and same button, so possible values here are from 1 to 8. Particular buttons that correspond to these Action values are defined by the player in the game settings. However, their default values are listed in Actions. Their Mapping to Buttons in the Additional Info on Trucks.

  • ExternalUi="false"
    For Expeditions:
    Only false values are possible. In Expeditions, Actions that activate or deactivate the Powered Group (defined by Action attributes) are displayed to the player after the selection of the USE ... command in the Radial menu. See Powered Constraints: Overview in the Additional Info on Trucks for details. Currently, this functionality is in the process of development.
    Values: false.
    For SnowRunner:
    If this option is set to false, then Actions that activate or deactivate the Powered Group will be displayed to the player after the selection of the Use ... command in the Functions menu when the truck engine is working.
    If this option is set to true, then Actions will not work and the player will be activating Powered Groups directly by corresponding commands from the Functions menu (when the truck engine is working). The name of every command there will be defined by the LocaleUid value of the corresponding Powered Group. See Powered Constraints: Overview in the Additional Info on Trucks for details.
    Values: false, true.

  • Id="_trailer_foot"
    The identifier of this Powered Group. Some particular values of Id attribute are required for Powered Groups that are activated not by Actions, but by internal game code.

    The text that will be displayed in the UI for the activation and deactivation of this Powered Group.

  • UnfoldingDelay="2.5"
    The delay before the constraints of this Powered Group move to their target positions, in seconds.

  • FoldingDelay="1.5"
    The delay before the constraints of this Powered Group return to their initial positions, in seconds.