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Motor ("movement muscle").

If the <Body> is a bone, the <Constraint> is the joint between the bones, then the <Motor> will be the muscle. If <Motor> is not described, then the bone will hang loose under the influence of gravity and inertia according to the limitations of the <Constraint>.

NOTE: <Motor> is not used with the constraints of the following types: Ragdoll, UnlimitedHinge, and Rigid.


  • Type="Spring"
    Type of the motor.

  • Spring="0.5" This attribute is used for the Spring type of the motor. Its value is the stiffness of the spring.
    Default value: 0, limits: [0, 1000000000].

  • Damping="0.02"

    • Spring: by default: 0, limits: [0, 1000000000].
    • Position: by default: 1, limits: [0, 1].
  • Tau="0.9"
    This attribute is used for motors of the Position type that are controlled. A coefficient that determines the effect of the Havok physics on the constraint when it is trying to reach a given position. If Tau equals to 0, then the physical object will move according to the surrounding physics, without the influence of the controlling at all. If Tau equals to 1, then the surrounding physics will not affect the controlling at all.
    Default value: 0.8, Limits: [0, 1].

  • Force="0.9"
    This attribute is used for motors of the Position type that are controlled. The force applied to the body that allows it to reach a given position. Default value: 0, Limits: [0, 1000000000].