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The <Flare> tag describes the "Flare" light.

"Flare" light is a point source of light that creates a glow around the particular point. It is visually similar to the bright light of a bulb or the distant light from the headlights.

For example, in SnowRunner, it looks like this:

In Expeditions, it looks the same way.


  • Pos="(3.759; 1.169; 0.944)"
    Light source position.

  • Dir="(1; -0.3; 0)"
    Direction vector.

  • DirAngle="90"
    The angle of visibility of the flare, in degrees.

  • AttenStart="10"
    The start of attenuation of the brightness of the flare, in meters.
    By default: 60.

  • AttenEnd="50"
    Maximum length on which the flare is visible. By default: 120.

  • ParentFrame="BoneCabin_cdt"
    A bone from the hierarchy of the physical model, which Flare is attached to. If the parameter is not specified, then this is a root bone.

  • Color="g(255; 186; 112) x 2\"
    Light color and brightness multiplier.
    Default value: "(0; 0; 0)".

  • ColorMultAtDay="0.5"
    A coefficient of the light brightness during daytime.
    By default: 1. Values: [0; 1000].

  • Size="0.2"
    Size of the flare.
    By default: 1, Values: [0.0001; 1000000].

  • AspectRatio="1.4" Aspect ratio.
    By default: 1, Values: [-1000000; 1000000].

  • Texture="sfx/flare_simple__s_d.tga"
    Path to the texture file of the shape of the flare.
    Default value: "sfx/flare_simple__s_d.tga".

  • Reflections="true"