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UI block for the truck.


    Description of the truck. A small description of what kind of a vehicle it is, in general.

  • UiIcon30x30="scoutVehicleImg30"
    Icon of the type of the truck (small version). The icon has a white color. The set of these icons is fixed. I.e., you can set one of the following icons for your truck here:

    • scoutVehicleImg30 - icon for scouts:

    • offroadVehicleImg30 - icon for offroad vehicles:

    • highwayVehicleImg30 - icon for highway vehicles:

    • heavyVehicleImg30 - icon for heavy vehicles:

    • heavyDutyVehicleImg30 - icon for heavy duty vehicles:

  • UiIcon40x40="scoutVehicleImg"
    Icon of the type of the truck (the large version with outline). The icon has a white color and a black outline. The set of these icons is fixed. I.e., you can set one of the following icons for your truck here:

    • scoutVehicleImg - icon for scouts

    • offroadVehicleImg - icon for offroad vehicles

    • highwayVehicleImg - icon for highway vehicles

    • heavyVehicleImg - icon for heavy vehicles

    • heavyDutyVehicleImg - icon for heavy duty vehicles

  • UiIcon328x458="shopImgModScout"
    For Expeditions:
    The attribute exists, but it is not used.
    For SnowRunner:
    The image that will be used in the Truck Store, for cards of vehicles.
    Location: In the folder of the mod, in the /ui/textures/ subfolder.
    Dimensions: 328 x 458.
    Format: PNG.

  • UiIcon576x640="mytruck_store_pic" (NEW)
    (Valid for Expeditions only)
    The image that will be used in the Truck Store, for cards of vehicles. It is shown when the truck is available for purchasing.
    Location: In the folder of the mod, in the /ui/textures/ subfolder.
    Dimensions: 576 x 640.
    Format: PNG.

    NOTE: The <TruckData> tag also has attributes that allow you to configure images of the truck.

  • uiIcon576x640Bw="mytruck_store_pic_bw" (NEW)
    (Valid for Expeditions only)
    The black-and-white image of the truck that will be used for it in the Truck Store when this truck is locked.
    Location: In the folder of the mod, in the /ui/textures/ subfolder.
    Dimensions: 576 x 640.
    Format: PNG.

  • UiIconLogo="modScoutLogo80"
    For Expeditions:
    The attribute exists, but it is not used.
    For SnowRunner:
    Manufacturer logo. It is used only in the Truck Store, for cards of vehicles. This icon must be in a white color and have the transparent background.
    Dimensions: 80 x 80.
    Format: PNG.

    Name of the truck.