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Description of the camera.


  • Name="addon_1"
    Name of the camera in the garage/customization screen. Values: addon_1, addon_2, side_r, side_l, roof, hoods, wheels, default, rear.
    And, also, side_l_sticker, side_r_sticker, capote_sticker, roof_sticker.
    And, also, supplies_default, supplies_side_l, supplies_side_r, supplies_roof, supplies_rear.

  • FOV="32.0\"
    FOV, default value: 50.

  • Position="(0.668; 1.692; 0)"
    Position of the camera.

  • InterestPosition="(0.668; 1.692; 0)"
    Position of the point of interest.

  • MaxXRotation="360"
    Horizontal rotation range: [-MaxXRotation; MaxXRotation]. Default value: 360.

  • MaxYRotation="360"
    Vertical rotation range: [-MaxYRotation; MaxYRotation]. Default value: 0.

  • MaxZoom="2"
    Maximum zoom.