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Inverse kinematics bone.

See Non-Physical Bones for details.


  • ModelFrame="BoneTieRodHinge2"
    (Mandatory) Name of the bone.

  • ParentFrame="BoneTieRod_cdt"
    (Mandatory) The name of the bone of the physical model, to which the root of the IK-chain is attached. It is used only for root and required for it.

  • AttachToFrame="BoneTieRod_cdt"
    (Mandatory) The name of the bone of the physical model, to which the last bone of the IK-chain is attached. It is used only for the last bone of the IK-chain and required for it.

  • AttachOffset="(0; 0; 0)"
    The shift of the "joint". By default: (0; 0; 0).