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Suspension. Determines the interaction of the wheel with the truck.


  • WheelType="rear"
    (Mandatory). Type of the wheel. Allowed values: front аnd rear. In the XML file of the truck, it is described by the Location attribute of the <Wheel> tag.

  • Height="0.15"
    (Mandatory). Suspension height. Wheel shift along the -OY axis relative to the position defined by the Pos attribute of the <Wheel> tag in the truck description.
    Value range: [-1000;1000].

  • Strength="0.15"
    (Mandatory). Suspension stiffness. Value range: [0; 1000].

  • Damping="0.3"

  • SuspensionMin="0.3" (Mandatory). Minimum suspension travel. I.e., the position that the wheel can take in the case of the full lowering of suspension.
    Value range: [-1000; 1000].

  • SuspensionMax="0.3"
    Maximum suspension travel. I.e., the position that the wheel can take if the suspension is in the operating condition and its stiffness is a zero when the wheel hangs in the air.
    Default value: 1.
    Value range: [-1000; 1000].

  • BrokenSuspensionMax="0.25"
    (Mandatory). Maximum suspension travel for a broken suspension.
    Value range: [-1000; 1000].