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The presence of gears in the gearbox.


  • IsHighGearExists="true"
    "H". If false, the button is inactive (the <HighGear> tag does not make sense in this case). Default value: true.
    enabled h disabled h

  • IsLowerPlusGearExists="true"
    "L+". First gear (the first <Gear> tag by order of occurrence in the XML). first gear tag
    If false, the button is inactive. Default value: true.

  • IsLowerGearExists="true"
    "L". Maximum angular velocity 0.45*AngVel from the first gear (see the IsLowerPlusGearExists attribute above). If false, the button is inactive. Default value: true.

  • IsLowerMinusGearExists="true"
    "L-". Maximum angular velocity 0.2*AngVel from the first gear (see the IsLowerPlusGearExists attribute above). If false, the button is inactive. Default value: true.

  • IsManualLowGear="true"
    The true value enables manual and more precise switching mode from L- to L+ using an additional scale.
    manual low gear