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The <Gearbox> tag corresponds to the gear box of the truck.


  • AWDConsumptionModifier="1.1"
    The coefficient of change in fuel consumption during all-wheel drive usage. Default value: 1. Range of values: [0; 32].

  • CriticalDamageThreshold="0.5"
    Percentage of damage, after which the box begins to show signs of failure: the vehicle starts to switch from particular gears to neutral gear from time to time (see MinBreakFreq and MaxBreakFreq below) and the fuel consumption increases.
    Default value: 0.7. Range of values: [0; 0.999].

  • DamageCapacity="120"
    Amount of allowable damage.
    Default value: 0. Range of values: [0; 64000].

  • DamagedConsumptionModifier="1.4"
    The maximum fuel consumption modifier. This multiplier is used for fuel consumption when the gearbox is completely broken.
    Default value: 1. Range of values: [0; 32].

  • FuelConsumption="1.8"
    Basic fuel consumption of the gearbox.
    Default value: 0.1. Range of values: [0; 10].

  • IdleFuelModifier="0.2"
    Fuel consumption multiplier when the vehicle stands still with the running engine.
    Default value: 0.3. Range of values: [0; 10].

  • Name="g_scout_default"
    The name of the gearbox.

  • MinBreakFreq="0.0"
    The minimum frequency of switching to neutral gear, at the moment when the durability has reached the CriticalDamageThreshold. See CriticalDamageThreshold above.
    Default value: 0. Range of values: [0; 60].

  • MaxBreakFreq="15.0"
    The maximum frequency of switching to neutral gear, at the moment when the durability approaches zero. See CriticalDamageThreshold above.
    Default value: 0. Range of values: [0; 60].