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The <Engine> tag corresponds to the engine of the truck.


  • Name="ru_scout_old_engine_2"
    (Mandatory). Name of the engine.

  • FuelConsumption="0.6"
    Fuel consumption. By default: 0.5. Value range: [0; 100].

  • DamageCapacity="120"
    Amount of allowed damage. By default: 0. Value range: [0; 64000].

  • CriticalDamageThreshold="0.9"
    Critical damage threshold. By default: 0.7. Value range: [0; 0.999]. After this threshold, fuel consumption and engine power are changed.

  • DamagedConsumptionModifier="1.3"
    The maximum value of the change in fuel consumption after engine failure. By default: 1. Value range: [0.1; 32].
    If engine damage exceeded DamageCapacity * CriticalDamageThreshold, then the fuel consumption starts to increase linearly, from FuelConsumption to FuelConsumption * DamagedConsumptionModifier (the latter value corresponds to the situation when the engine is completely broken).

  • EngineResponsiveness="0.04"
    Engine responsiveness (speed of increase of the engine speed). By default: 0.04. Value range: [0.01; 1].

  • Torque="40000"
    (Mandatory). Torque. By default: 0. Value range: [0; 1000000].

  • DamagedMinTorqueMultiplier="1.0"
    The multiplier for torque when the damage to the engine has reached the CriticalDamageThresold threshold. By default: 0. Value range: [0; 1].

  • DamagedMaxTorqueMultiplier="0.7"
    Multiplier for torque when the engine is close to complete breakdown. By default: 0. Value range: [0; 1]. After passing the threshold, the multiplier value changes linearly from DamagedMinTorqueMultiplier to DamagedMaxTorqueMultiplier.

  • BrakesDelay="0.5"
    Braking Delay. By default: 0. Value range: [0; 1].

  • MaxDeltaAngVel="0.01"
    (Mandatory). Limiter for the maximum angular acceleration of the wheels. The smaller it is, the slower the car accelerates. By default: 0. Value range: [0; 1000000].