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Step 7: Creating Truck Images


Now, we need to create images that we have referenced in the XML file of the truck class, but have not created yet.

Particularly, we have referenced two such images in <TruckData> tag:


and two images in <UiDesc> tag:


  • TruckImage – The preview image of the truck. Used in the list of purchased trucks in the Headquarters and in other places in the UI where the preview image of the truck is necessary.

  • TruckImageSmall– The small image of the truck. Used for the small upper slots in the UI that show trucks selected for the Expedition.

  • UiIcon576x640 – The image that will be used in the Truck Store.

  • UiIcon576x640Bw – The image that will be used in the Truck Store when this truck is locked.

TIP: To make UI of your truck more polished, you can also specify images for Trade Screens. They are specified in the TruckImageTrade and TruckImageTradeRight attributes of the <TruckData> tag.

For these images to reside peacefully in the UI of the game, there are certain requirements for them that we will follow.

And, we have created a pack of sample images for you.



All these images should be put into the ui\textures subfolder of the folder of the mod.

Please note that names of images in the attributes above are specified without the file name extension.

I.e., if you are referncing mytruck_preview_pic in the attribute, the game will search for mytruck_preview_pic.png in this folder.


All these images must be created in the PNG format.

Dimensions and Transparency

Dimension and transparency requirements are the following:

  • TruckImage – Dimensions: 380 x 92. Typically, has transparent backgound and the image of the truck on the left side of it.
  • TruckImageSmall– Dimensions: 124 x 52. Typically, has transparent backgound.
  • UiIcon576x640 – Dimensions: 576 x 640. Not transparent.
  • UiIcon576x640Bw – Dimensions: 576 x 640. Typically, is a black-and-white version of UiIcon576x640.

Sample Images

We will not actually create images here.

Typically, they are created as the final part of the mod, after testing it, enjoying it passing all possible obstacles, selecting the best camera angle for it, and many other things.

We will do all of this later. Now – we will use very simple images to get the mod up and running.

According to names we have specified before and the requirements, these images may be similar to the following:

Image Image Name

You can simply download them, put them to the ui\textures subfolder, and you will be ready for the next step.