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Actions. Their Mapping to Buttons

When creating Controlled Constraints or Powered Constraints you can assign particular Actions to them using the Action attribute.

Particularly, this attribute exists within the following tags:

  • <Group> of Powered Constraints: <PoweredConstraints><Group>Action
  • <Chain> of Powered Groups: <PoweredConstraints><Chain>Action
  • <Constraint> of Controlled Constraints: <ControlledConstraints><Constraint>Action
  • <ActionCategory> used for grouping of control elements in the UI:

Every Action is identified by its number (from 1 to 14) and corresponds to the button or a pair of buttons that are used by the player for controlling/activating the constraint:

  • Actions from 1 to 8 – correspond to a single button. They can be used for Powered Constraints or for selecting ActionCategories in the UI.
  • Actions from 9 to 14 – correspond to a pair of buttons. They can be used for Controlled Constraints.

In SnowRunner, the particular buttons that are assigned to these Actions can be changed in the SETTINGS of the game, in SETTINGS > CONTROLS > CUSTOM ADDON ACTIONS.

In Expeditions, settings of the game currently do not have this section. Seee NOTE at the top of the Powered Constraints: Overview for details.

NOTE: Actions from 9 to 14 correspond to the button pairs. And, for every Action of such type, there are two buttons: so-called forward and backward. However, these names (forward and backward) are conventional, they do not necessarily correspond to these types of movement, their particular meaning is defined by the Controlled Constraint this Action is used for.

The default buttons assigned to Actions are listed in the table below.

Action Subaction PC Xbox PlayStation Nintendo Switch
Action 1 4
Action 2 5
Action 3 6
Action 4 7
Action 5 8
Action 6 9
Action 7 0
Action 8 -
Action 9 forward Q Left Trigger L2 button ZL button
Action 9 backward E Right Trigger R2 button ZR button
Action 10 forward W Left Stick Left Left Stick Left Left Stick Left
Action 10 backward S Left Stick Right Left Stick Right Left Stick Right
Action 11 forward A X button "Square" button X button
Action 11 backward D Y button "Triangle" button Y button
Action 12 forward R D-pad Up Left Stick Up D-pad Up
Action 12 backward T D-pad Down Left Stick Down D-pad Down
Action 13 forward F D-pad Left Left Stick Left D-pad Left
Action 13 backward G D-pad Right Left Stick Right D-pad Right
Action 14 forward Z Left Bumper L1 button L button
Action 14 backward X Right Bumper R1 button R button