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Typical Context Menu

Right-clicking the main window of the scene or right-clicking the section/object in the Scene View panel will open the context menu.

NOTE 1: However, when a brush is selected, the right-click behavior is different, see Typical Brush dialog.

NOTE 2: The list of commands within a context menu depends on where particularly you have performed a right-click.

The list of most frequently used commands is shown below:

Command Description
Do Land Place the object on the terrain surface.
Replace Replaces the right-clicked object with another object.
Fly To Moves the camera to the right-clicked object, zooms it, and selects it.
Delete Deletes the right-clicked object from the map. You cannot undelete it after that.
Duplicate Duplicates the selected object.
Reload Reloads the terrain. Any unsaved changes will be lost.
Rebuild Terrain Rebuilds all terrain of the map, applies all changes that you have done to its properties (heights, references, etc.), and refreshes the appearance of the level in the Editor.
Rebuild Selection Similar to Rebuild Terrain, but rebuilds only selected terrain blocks, which is faster. You can select multiple terrain blocks by holding CTRL and left-clicking the terrain in the main window of the scene.
Rebuild Visible Similar to Rebuild Terrain, but rebuilds only terrain blocks currently visible in the main window of the scene, which is faster.
Combine chunks in directory Creates full-sized textures from small textures corresponding to all map pieces of the map. See Collaborative Work on Maps for details.
Separate chunks from directory Divides full-sized textures into smaller ones that correspond to map pieces. See Collaborative Work on Maps for details.
Add Pbr Material Adds a new PBR Material, see Assigning PBR Materials to Terrain.
Add Zone Adds a new zone locator, see Zones: Overview.
Add Model Adds a new Model, see Adding Models.
Add Plant Adds a new standalone Plant, see Adding Plants.
Add Distribution Adds a new Distribution (e.g. massively planted trees, rocks, etc.), see Adding Multiple Objects via Distribution.
Add Overlay Adds a new Overlay (e.g. a road, wires, etc.), see Adding Overlays.
Add River Adds a new River object, see Adding Rivers and Water Objects.
Add River Markup Add a new River Markup object (a sound area for the river), see Adding River Sounds via RiverMarkup.
Add Reference Adds a new Reference, see Adding References.
Add Truck Adds a new Truck, see Adding Trucks.
Add Sound Adds a new Sound, see Adding Sounds.
Add ... Sound Domain Adds a new Sound Domain of the particular type, see Adding Sound Domains.
Play ambient ... (NEW) Allow you to play particular sets of sounds (that correspond to different conditions) from the Ambient Preset configured for the map. See Adding Ambient Sounds.
Stop play ambient (NEW) Stops playing ambient sounds that were turned on by the Play ambient ... commands