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Zone Locator Properties

NOTE: For general info on zones, zone locators, and zone props, see Zones: Overview.

Along with modification of the zone logic using props, you may want to modify the properties of the zone locator itself.

You can do it in the Editor, after selecting a zone locator in the Zones list in Scene View.

The properties of the zone locator are the following:

  • Org X, Org Z – Coordinates of the zone on the map.

  • Dir – The direction vector of the zone on the map. The direction of the zone is marked with the purple arrow within its zone locator.

  • Id – The identifier of the zone locator. This particular identifier is used to identify the zone in the Editor and the Zone Settings plugin.

  • Icon 30x30, Icon 40x40 – In these fields, you can specify the identifiers of icons that will be used for the zone on the mini-map and in the game.

    NOTE: Lists of possible values for icon identifiers can be found in Zone Icons in Expeditions and Zone Icons in SnowRunner.

  • Name – The name of the zone that will be displayed in the UI.

  • Is Visible On Minimap – Whether the zone is visible on the map in the game. True will make it visible (if it is properly configrued). False will hide it.

  • Wall section – Initially, the zone lies on the surface of the map. However, sometimes it is necessary to raise it above the surface. In this case, you can use the following settings:

    • Is Wall – Make the 3D zone.

    • Height – The height to which the zone will be raised.

  • Shape Type – The shape of the zone (rectangular or circle).

  • Dimensions – Settings of the actual dimensions of the zone:

    • Length or diameter – The length or, if Shape Type = Circle, the diameter of the zone.

    • Width – The width of the zone.

  • Border section – Settings of the border of the zone:

    • Rounding Radius – The radius for rounded corners of the zone border.

    • Thickness – The thickness of the border

    • Scroll Speed and direction – The speed of movement of the dashed line on the zone border and the direction of such movement. The direction is specified by the minus sign (-) or its absence.

    • Opacity – The transparency of the border.

  • Distributions group name – The special field that is used in SnowRunner only, see below.
    In Expeditions:
    Not used.
    In SnowRunner:
    The name of the specific group of distributions created during the setup of a Farming objective.