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Loading Logs as Cargo

This feature is valid for SnowRunner only.

Logging is based on logs of different kinds as types of cargo.

Particularly, you will find logs in the typical drop-down lists of cargo types.

I.e., if you browse the list of cargo types within the ZonePropertyCargoLoading zone, you will find them there.

The names of these new cargo types are the following:

  • CargoLogsLong – corresponds to Long Logs

  • CargoLogsMedium – corresponds to Medium Logs

  • CargoLogsShort – corresponds to Short Logs

So, in the particular ZonePropertyCargoLoading zone, you can select one of these cargo types (in a standard way), and your zone will be giving the player the necessary type of logs. You can create both zones with auto-loading of logs or zones with their manual loading.

NOTE: See CargoLoading and ManualLoading zones for details on the creation of manual loading zones.

When setting up the manual loading zone, you may want to spawn your logs not on the ground, but in a way that is a little bit more convenient for the player.

In this case, you can place the suitable model (e.g. logs_scavange_02) inside the zone locator of the manual zone and tune such properties of this zone locator as its direction (Dir) and dimensions (Dimensions) to spawn logs precisely above this model and make them fall to the necessary location.