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CargoLoading and ManualLoading zones

This topic is valid for SnowRunner only.

The ZonePropertyCargoLoading zones allow the player to load a cargo of the particular type within them.

The properties of this zone type are the following:

  • platformId - optional field, which allows you to specify the ID of the zone of the ZonePropertyManualLoading type. Within the zone with this ID, the system will spawn the physical cargo, which will allow the player to manually load it using the crane. I.e., to use this feature, you need to create an additional zone, set its ID to the value specified in the platformId field, and add the ZonePropertyManualLoading property to the props list of this additional zone.

  • cargosSettings - this list allows you to specify the types of cargo that the player will be able to obtain in this zone. For each type of cargo, you can specify the amount (Count If Finite) of cargo this zone can give to the player. You can add multiple types of cargo here (see the screenshot above). To add a type of cargo:

    • Click the next to the cargosSettings list.

    • In the appeared list entry, double-click the default value next to the name field and select the necessary type of cargo.

    • If necessary, double-click the Count If Finite and specify the amount of cargo this zone can give. The "-1" value in this field corresponds to the unlimited amount of cargo.

  • modelBuildingSetting -- (optional settings) These settings allows you to play animation after loading cargo from this zone to imitate the process of dismantling a building. See Model Building Settings for CargoLoading zones for details.

The ZonePropertyManualLoading zone is the zone that adds the "manual loading of the cargo" feature to the existing ZonePropertyCargoLoading zone (see platformId above). The ZonePropertyManualLoading zone itself has no properties.

Along with regular ZonePropertyCargoLoading zones there are two types of zones that are similar, but provide some debug functionality:

  • ZonePropertyCargoLoadingAllCargo -- Debug property. Similar to regular ZonePropertyCargoLoading, but allows the player to load all types of Cargo without limitations of their amount.

  • ZonePropertyCargoLoadingAlwaysVisible -- Debug property. Similar to regular ZonePropertyCargoLoading, but makes the zone always visible and available to the player.