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Workshop zones

This feature is valid for Expeditions only.

The ZonePropertyWorkshop prop is used for setting up the Workshop (WORKSHOP) FOB module zone.

NOTE: Use this prop only to configure custom FOB Modules. Do not assign this prop to common standalone zones. If you do it, this might cause a crash.

Lists of inventory items that can be crafted and/or recycled within the Workshop are determined automatically, based on properties of inventory items.

Particularly, if craftRepairsCost in the properties of an inventory item is specified and not equal to -1, the player will be able to craft it in the Workshop.

If recycleRepairsCost in the properties of an inventory item is specified and not equal to -1, the player will be able to recycle it in the Workshop.

NOTE: You can create your own custom Inventory Items and make them craftable, see Custom Inventory Items: Overview.


  • moduleId – links this zone to the custom FOB module. In this field, you need to specify the identifier of this custom FOB module. I.e., in the moduleId field you need to specify exactely the same value as you have specified in the name field in the general properties of this custom FOB module.

  • repairsCapacity – the upper limit for the amount Repair parts that are the source material for crafting operations performed in the Workshop. The value of -1 corresponds to no upper limit.

  • repairslnitialAmount – the initial amount of Repair parts in the Workshop.

  • zoneDiscoverability(Optional) settings related to the zone discovery. See Discoverability of Zones. Typically not specified, since it is a FOB module.