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Supply Shop zones

This feature is valid for Expeditions only.

The ZonePropertySupplyShop prop is used for setting up the Store (Supply Shop) FOB module zone.

NOTE: Use this prop only to configure custom FOB Modules. Do not assign this prop to common standalone zones. If you do it, this might cause a crash.

NOTE: From the player's perspective, the Store (Supply Shop) is always available along with the Base module (Base Module) of the FOB. However, internally it is configured separately, as a separate FOB Module.


  • moduleId – links this zone to the custom FOB module. In this field, you need to specify the identifier of this custom FOB module. I.e., in the moduleId field you need to specify exactely the same value as you have specified in the name field in the general properties of this custom FOB module.

  • zoneDiscoverability(Optional) settings related to the zone discovery. See Discoverability of Zones. Typically not specified, since it is a FOB module.