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FOB Module Storage zones

This feature is valid for Expeditions only.

The ZonePropertyFobModuleStorage prop is used for setting up such FOB module zones as:

  • Base module (BASE_MODULE)
  • Gas station (GAS_STATION)
  • Repair station (REPAIR_ZONE)
  • Warehouse (EXTRA_STORAGE)
  • Essentials storage (DOUBLE_STOCK)

NOTE: Use this prop only to configure custom FOB Modules. Do not assign this prop to common standalone zones. If you do it, this might cause a crash.

This prop is a wrapper over the ZonePropertyInventoryStorage prop that allows you to configure a storage for fuel, repair parts, spare wheels and various inventory items.

NOTE: All types of FOB Modules listed above use and focus on the certain parameters of ZonePropertyInventoryStorage. For example, Gas station uses fuelSlotSettings of this prop, Repair station uses repairsSlotSettings and wheelsSlotSettings, and so on.

Along with regular fields of ZonePropertyInventoryStorage, this prop also has the moduleId field that links this zone to a particular FOB module. In this field, you need to specify the identifier of this custom FOB module to link this zone to this module. I.e., in the moduleId field you need to specify exactely the same value as you have specified in the name field in the general properties of this custom FOB module.

Depending on the particular FOB module this zone is used for, the name and icon of this zone will be changed.

The alwaysSpawn option of this prop is typically enabled for all FOB Modules listed above.

The isAtDeployZone option of this prop should be enabled for all types of FOB modules listed above.