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Drone Delivery zones

This feature is valid for Expeditions only.

The ZonePropertyDroneDelivery prop is used for setting up the Cargo drone (DRONE_BASE) FOB module zone.

NOTE: Use this prop only to configure custom FOB Modules. Do not assign this prop to common standalone zones. If you do it, this might cause a crash.

This prop is a wrapper over the ZonePropertyInventoryStorage prop that allows you to configure a storage for fuel, repair parts, spare wheels and various inventory items.

However, the ZonePropertyDroneDelivery zone typically uses only the following settings from its parent:

  • fuelSlotSettings – for the ZonePropertyDroneDelivery, they specify the amount of Fuel that will be available in the Cargo drone FOB module initially, straight after building it. The setup parameters are the same as in ZonePropertyInventoryStorage.

  • expandedConsumablesCapacity – for the ZonePropertyDroneDelivery, they specify the upper limit of Fuel in the Cargo drone FOB module. The calculations here are also the same as in ZonePropertyInventoryStorage.

NOTE: However, if necessary, you can use all other ZonePropertyInventoryStorage fields, e.g. the ones for inventory, they will work as usual.

Along with regular ZonePropertyInventoryStorage fields, there are two additional fields in this zone:

  • fuelLevelnot used. You should use fuelSlotSettings instead.

  • deliveryCost – the cost of one Cargo drone delivery, in Fuel units.