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Recovery zones

(NEW) This feature is valid for Expeditions only.

Main Function: Recovery of the Truck

The ZonePropertyRecovery prop is used for the creation of target zones for the Recovery of the truck.

NOTE: However, in Expeditions, ZonePropertyRecovery props are used for Deploy zones only. They should not be used for other zones.

If you want to enable Recovery for a Deploy zone, you need to add the ZonePropertyRecovery prop to the list of props of this Deploy zone. See Deploy zones for details.

ZonePropertyRecovery Prop Settings

Settings of the ZonePropertyRecovery prop are the following:

  • priority(currently not used, will be removed) In Expedtions, the player manually selects the zone that they want to recover to, so this field is not used.

  • fullyRepairTruck – whether or not the truck should be fully repaired after recovering to this zone.

  • refuelTruck – whether or not the truck should be fully refueled after recovering to this zone.

  • restoreAddonRepairAndFuel – whether or not the Repair parts and Fuel should be fully restored in addons of the truck after recovery. This includes aready spent Repair parts and Fuel consumables that were attached to truck as addons (but not as sideboard items) at the beginning of the Expedition.

  • repairAmount – the amount of repairing, in percents, that will be applied to all parts of the truck after recovery.

  • refuelAmount – the amount of refueling, in percents, that will be applied to the truck after recovery.

  • zoneDiscoverability – settings related to the zone discovery. See Discoverability of Zones.