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Notification zones

(NEW) This feature is valid for Expeditions only.

Main Function: Notification of the Player

A ZonePropertyNotification zone allows you to display a certain notification to the player when they reach the particular zone on the map.

NOTE: Zone locators are shown for these zones only in the Editor. I.e., in the game, the player has no visual signs for these zones – the player only sees their notifications.

These zones show the specified notification either every time the player reaches them, or once.

ZonePropertyNotification Prop Settings

Settings of the ZonePropertyNotification prop are the following:

  • executedOnce – whether this notification should be shown once (enabled option) or every time (disabled option).

  • zoneDiscoverability(should not be used for this zone, since this zone is not displayed in the game anyway) settings related to the zone discovery. See Discoverability of Zones.

  • notification – settings of the notification displayed to the player. The settings here are identical to settings of notifications displayed upon the completion of the substage of an objective. See Notifications for details.