Inventory Storage zones
(NEW) This feature is valid for Expeditions only.
NOTE: In the current version of the game, Inventory Storage zones are not shown, even when alwaysSpawn option is set to true
. This is a known issue that will be fixed.
Main Function: Storage of Inventory
The ZonePropertyInventoryStorage zones work as a storage for various inventory items, fuel, repair parts, and spare wheels on the map. All these items can be spawned within these zones.
NOTE: If necessary, you can specify the probability of spawning for items in this zone.
Along with spawning items within them, they allow the player to transfer these items to the truck and, if necessary, perform the reverse transfer of some of these items.
NOTE: ZonePropertyInventoryStorage zones with the disabled alwaysSpawn option are spawned randomly, see Inventory Settings for details.
These zones are used in all locations where storage and trading of inventory items is necessary: in air drops, some FOB modules, storages for various quest items. However, during configuration of zones for FOB modules, the ZonePropertyInventoryStorage prop is used not in its pure form, but via props that act as wrappers for it. These wrapper-props are named differently and contain some additional fields:
NOTE: However, during the confugiration of the Base module of the FOB within the Deploy zone, the ZonePropertyInventoryStorage prop is used without wrappers. See Deploy zones for details.
ZonePropertyInventoryStorage Prop Settings
Settings of the ZonePropertyInventoryStorage prop themself (without wrappers) are the following:
capacity – the maximum amount of slots for regular (not heavy) inventory items in this zone. If capacity is greater than the actual amount of slots with regular inventory items (the number of records with regular inventory items in the slotsSettings list), the remaining slots will remain empty, allowing the player to use them to transfer items from the truck.
heavylnvCapacity – the maximum amount of slots for heavy inventory items in this zone. If heavylnvCapacity is greater than the actual amount of slots with heavy inventory items (the number of records with heavy inventory items in the slotsSettings list), the remaining slots will remain empty, allowing the player to use them to transfer items from the truck.
alwaysSpawn – this option specifies whether or not this zone itself should be spawned during every Expedition to this map. If alwaysSpawn is enabled, this zone will be spawned always. If it is disabled, the zone will participate in the random selection of zones for spawning: the system will randomly select a certain amount of zones – set by the maxInventoryZones parameter in the inventorySettings of the map – from all ZonePropertyInventoryStorage zones with disabled alwaysSpawn flag on this map, and spawn only these zones. Please note that if the zone itself is spawned, the items within zone will be spawned with the specified probabilities, see slotsSettings below. See Inventory Settings for details.
expandedConsumablesCapacity – this parameter sets the multiplier that defines the upper limits for consumable slots those current values are set up in fuelSIotSettings, repairsSlotSettings, and wheelsSlotSettings. These upper limits are calculated using the following formulas:
Where amounts of consumables in predefined inventory items are the following: fuel –Fuel Limit = (expandedConsumablesCapacity - 1) * amount_in_predefined_Fuel_item + fuelSlotSettings.quantity Repair Parts Limit = (expandedConsumablesCapacity - 1) * amount_in_predefined_RepairParts_item + repairsSlotSettings.quantity Wheels Limit = (expandedConsumablesCapacity - 1) * amount_in_predefined_Wheels_item + wheelsSlotSettings.quantity
, repairs –100
, wheels –1
.NOTE: Currently, this field does not work as described above. (
) -
isAffectedByAdditionalOutpostResourcesAbility – whether or not the amounts of Consumables in this zone are affected by the additionalRepairs, additionalWheels, and additionalFuel passive abilities of the Specialist. Typically, should be enabled for FOB Modules.
isAffectedByAdditionalAirdropResourcesAbility – whether or not the amounts of Consumables in this zone are affected by the additionalAirdropRepairs, additionalAirdropWheels, and additionalAirdropFuel passive abilities of the Specialist. Typically, should be enabled for air drops.
isAtDeployZone – whether or not this ZonePropertyInventoryStorage props is used for the configuration of the Base module of the FOB. Particularly, this option should be enabled if this ZonePropertyInventoryStorage props is added to the properties of the Deploy zone, along with the ZonePropertyDeploy prop itself. This option affects the saving of the inventory items and heavy inventory items within this zone – i.e., if isAtDeployZone is enabled, the items that the player has transfered to this zone will be saved at the end of the expedition and the same items will appear again at the beginning of the next expedition to the same map. If isAtDeployZone is disabled, the items within this zone will be reset in the next expedition. And, also, enabling this option tells the system to display the correct header for the Trade screen of Base module, in the UI of the game. This option should be enabled for configuration of Base module and disabled in all other cases. See Deploy zones for details.
zoneDiscoverability – settings related to the zone discovery. See Discoverability of Zones.
model – (Optional) the model that will change its visual state depending on whether or not this zone is spawned. For example, you can set up the zone in the following way: if this zone is spawned, the _objective model set up in Model Building Settings will be in its "stage_visible" state too and will display some visuals for zone resources. On the contrary, if this zone is not spawned, this model will be in its "stage_hidden" state and will not be visible (as the zone itself). See Model Building Settings for details.
slotsSettings: – the list of slots where regular inventory items and heavy inventory items may appear with ceratin probabibilty. Every record in this list corresponds to a separate slot. For every slot the list of items that can be possibly spawned in this slot and their probabilities are configured.
- [every slot]:
- possibleItems: – the list of items that can be possibly spawned in this slot.
[every possible item]:
- type – the type of the possible item to be spawned. See Custom Inventory Items: Overview and Appendix: Types of Inventory Items.
- chance – the probability of spawning of this inventory item. Possible values: from
. For example,0.75
corresponds to75%
probability of spawning. - itemName – (Optional) the identifier of the inventory item. For example, Anchor and Removable Anchor have the same type and can be distinguished only by their identifiers. The identifier of the custom inventory item can be also specified here, if you want to use it as a linked mod. If this identifier is not specified, the game will use any item with the specified type instead.
NOTE 1: If the total number of slots with regular/heavy items in slotsSettings will be greater than corresponding values of capacity and heavylnvCapacity, then the list of slots will be automatically cut to match these values.
NOTE 2: At least one slot in slotsSettings should have the sum of probabilities of possible items equal to
. Otherwise, there is a chance that the zone will be spawned without any items at all.
- possibleItems: – the list of items that can be possibly spawned in this slot.
- [every slot]:
fuelSlotSettings – settings of the Fuel resource of the zone:
- quantity – the amount of Fuel that may be spawned.
- chance – the probability of spawning for this Fuel.
- tradeFromTruckToZone – whether or not the reverse transfer of Fuel is possible – i.e., whether the Fuel can be transfered from the truck to the zone.
repairsSlotSettings – same as fuelSlotSettings, but for Repair parts.
wheelsSlotSettings – same as fuelSlotSettings, but for Spare wheels.