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Custom Sound Files

When configuring a sound actor or a sound domain, you can use custom sound files.


The format of custom sound files must be the following:

  • 44.1 kHz
  • 16 bit
  • .wav as a storage format

Whether it is Mono or Stereo – depends on the purpose of the sound.

WARNING: For custom sounds, 16 bit is a strict limitation. I.e., you will not be able to use, for example, 32-bit sounds for your map. However, the limitation of 44.1 kHz is a soft one (e.g., we have the 22-kHz sounds in the game also).


To use a custom sound file, do the following:

  1. In the Media folder, create the sounds directory. This will be the root folder for all your custom sound files.
    For example, the full path to this folder may be similar to the following:

    • For Expeditions: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\Expeditions\Media\sounds\
    • For SnowRunner: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\SnowRunner\Media\sounds\
  2. Optional: You can create subfolders there to group some of your sound files. Names of these folders must not contain spaces, they can contain Latin characters, digits, and underscores.
    For example, you can create the Media\sounds\my_directory folder there.

  3. Put your custom sound files in these folders, in the .wav format.
    For example, you can add Media\sounds\my_sound.wav or Media\sounds\my_directory\my_sound.wav

  4. In the Sound file parameter of the properties of a sound actor or a sound domain, specify the path to the sound file, including its name without the file extension. The path must be specified relative to the Media\sounds directory, with / as path delimiters and without the file extension.
    For example: my_sound OR my_directory/my_sound

  5. When you pack your map, custom sound files will be added to the .pak file.

TIP: Along with standalone custom sounds, you can also add and use custom series of sounds. They are added similarly.