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NoMusicSoundDomain Properties

NoMusicSoundDomain domains are designed to turn off the in-game music in certain areas. When the player enters the domain of this type, the volume of the music is gradually decreased to zero.

Properties of a NoMusicSoundDomain are the following:

  • Name - the internal name of the sound domain in the Editor.

  • Distance threshold - the distance (in meters) from the domain border, at which the music volume decreases/increases.

  • Fade in time - the time (in seconds) for the fade-in transition. This transition will increase the volume of music (from zero to the volume set in the game) when the player is leaving the domain.

  • Fade out time - the time (in seconds) for the fade-out transition. This transition will decrease the music volume (from the volume set in the game to zero) when the player is entering the domain.