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Adding Music

Follow the steps below to add custom music to your map.

Step 1: Prepare Music Files

First of all, prepare your music files.


44.1 kHz, Stereo, 16 bit, stored as .wav files.

The recommended volume level for the music is -7 db.

Amount of Files

Typically, we prepare a separate music track for each time of the day and a separate track for the Garage. We name these tracks using the name of the level as a suffix (see below). This seems to be a good convention.

Name of the file Description For example
<levelname>_day Track for the day. aspen_day.wav
<levelname>_evening Track for the evening. aspen_evening.wav
<levelname>_morning Track for the morning. aspen_morning.wav
<levelname>_night Track for the night. aspen_night.wav
For SnowRunner: garage_<levelname> Track for the Garage garage_aspen.wav

However, if you want, you can use only one or two tracks and name them as you like.


The length of every music track is up to you.

Please note that each music track will be played on repeat.

Step 2: Put Files in Folder

Put your music files into the Media\sounds\music\<name_of_level> folder.

For example, the subfolder in music can be names aspen if you are creating it for the level_aspen.xml map.

For example, for SnowRunner, the resulting files may look like the following:

For Expeditions, it will be similar.

Step 3: Create or Modify music_presets.xml

Now, create or modify the Media\classes\sounds\music_presets.xml file:

  1. Create the Media\classes\sounds folder (if you have not created it before).

  2. In this folder, create the music_presets.xml file (if you have not created it before).

    NOTE: If you have already created this file for another level, you need to append it with new values corresponding to your new level (see below).

  3. In this file, for every level where you want to use music, specify links to your level and its music files, using <LevelMusic>, <Sound>, and (for SnowRunner) <GarageMusic> tags and their attributes.

For example, for SnowRunner:

    <LevelMusic LevelName="level_aspen">


  • LevelName - must correspond to the exact name of your map without file extension (e.g. level_aspen for level_aspen.xml).

  • Name and SoundName - must contain the path to the corresponding music track, relative to the Media\sounds folder and without the file extension. E.g., music/aspen/aspen_evening for Media\sounds\music\aspen\aspen_evening.wav.

  • If you are using separate music tracks for different times of the day, as in the example above, you should keep the values of StartTime, EndTime, FadeInTime, and FadeOutTime. They are already set up for correct switching of the tracks according to the change of daytime.
    However, if you want to change them:

    • StartTime and EndTime - specify the time of the beginning and end of the track, in in-game hours.
      E.g., the 13 value here will correspond to 1:00 P.M.

    • FadeInTime and FadeOutTime - specify the fade in and fade out duration, in seconds.

  • Volume - coefficient that corresponds to the volume of the music in the Garage (for SnowRunner).

Step 4: Repack Your Level

Open your level in the Editor, and repack it.

Now, if you have specified all values correctly, your level will contain music and you can test it by loading the level in the game.

To switch between different times of the day, you can use the Skip Time feature on the navigation map.

Disabling Music in Particular Area

If necessary, you can remove the playback of the music within a certain area using NoMusicSoundDomain.