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Spawning Cargo

This topic is valid for SnowRunner only.

The spawnCargoOnStageActive section does not correspond to an assignment.

It allows you to create a zone where the system will be spawning cargo as a physical object. After manual loading with the crane, the spawned cargo can be used for the "delivery of the goods" assignment.

The ID of the target zone here is specified in the zone > globalZoneId field. The spawned cargo items must be added to the cargos list (similarly to the "delivery of goods" assignment).

NOTE: Cargo spawned by the spawnCargoOnStageActive feature can be loaded to the truck only manually, by the crane. For automatic loading of the cargo, use the ...CargoLoading zone (see [] above).

WARNING: The spawnCargoOnStageActive section must be added to the Stage where other assignments (delivery, visit all zones, living area, etc.) do exist. If there is only the spawnCargoOnStageActive section within the Stage and there are no other assignments within the same Stage, this Stage will be skipped and no cargo will be spawned.

There are additional limitations for spawning cargo using spawnCargoOnStageActive in the case of Regional Contracts, see WARNING in the [5.17.4] below.

Along with other properties, the spawnCargoOnStageActive section also includes the Should be discovered by metallodetector option, which is necessary when creating objectives for Metal Detector, see below.