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Delivery of Cabins

This topic is valid for SnowRunner only.

The group of fields in the livingAreaInfo section corresponds to the assignment where the player needs to deliver some cargo (typically Cabins) to the Living Area zone.

The process to create this assignment is the following:

  1. You need to create a Living Area zone (the zone with the ZonePropertyLivingArea property). It is created in a standard way. In the properties of this zone, in the name field, you need to select the type of cargo that the player needs to deliver to accomplish the assignment. Typically, to set up a delivery of Cabins, you need to select the "CargoForkliftCaravanContainer2" type there. See Living Area feature: ...LivingArea zones above.

  1. In one of the Stages of the objective, you need to add the livingAreaInfo section. In this section, you need to specify the following properties:

    • livingAreaValue -- the number of cargo items that the player will need to deliver to this zone. Please note that the cargo type of these items will be taken from the properties of this ...LivingArea zone (you have specified it in the name field at step #1 above).

    • livingAreaGlobalZoneId -- you need to specify here the global id of the ...LivingArea zone that you have created at step #1 above.

  1. Ensure that you have added the spawnCargoOnStageActive section with a sufficient number of cargo items (of the same cargo type) to be spawned.\ See above for details.\ Please note that models of cabins (e.g. cargo_cabin_rus_01) that were added to the map manually in the Editor will not interact with the LivingArea zone. They may be used for decorative purposes. Only the cargo items spawned with the help of spawnCargoOnStageActive sections will interact with it correctly.\ \

WARNING: The spawnCargoOnStageActive section must be added to the Stage where other assignments (delivery, visit all zones, living area, etc.) do exist. If there is only the spawnCargoOnStageActive section within the Stage and there are no other assignments within the same Stage, this Stage will be skipped and no cargo will be spawned.

TIP: If necessary, you can use various cargo platforms for cargo items that need to be placed in the LivingArea zone (e.g., the cargo_platform_wide model). To help a player place cabins on these platforms, you can add the Caterpillar TH357 telehandler (the cat_th357 truck in the Editor) to your map. However, please note that this is a DLC truck and, on your map, it will be available to owners of DLC2 ("Explore and Expand") only.