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Changing Truck

This topic is valid for SnowRunner only.

The group of fields in the changeTruck section corresponds to the assignment where the player needs to change their truck to the particular truck.

Similarly to truckDelivery, you need to place this truck on the map in Editor, specify its Id there, and then specify the same ID in the assignment.

Similarly to truckDelivery, you can give the truck involved in the assignment as a reward to the player.

NOTE: As opposed to truckDelivery, the player can drive the target truck during this assignment.

WARNING #1: When creating objectives with multiple stages, you should not use the changeTruck as a stage that goes before the truckDelivery / truckRepair stages within the same objective, if you are using the same target truck for these stages. Otherwise, you will block the ability of the player to drive a target truck and he/she will not be able to accomplish the changeTruck stage. However, you can use the changeTruck as a stage that goes after the truckDelivery / truckRepair stages for the same target truck. I.e., you can set an objective for the player to deliver (e.g. using a winch) or repair the target truck, and, then, sit in this truck and drive it. However, you can tell the player to sit into a target truck first and, then, deliver it somewhere or repair it.

WARNING #2: In the properties of the target truck (which you require the player to sit into), change Locked to False. Otherwise, the player will not be able to sit into this truck.

WARNING #3: You should not use the changeTruck stages within Contests, because they have the default ChangeTruckFailReason, which will fail the contest if the player changes the truck.

WARNING #4: You should not use the "DESTROY" option in afterStageFinished field and/or enable the Destroy After Substage (Dangerous!) option in the changeTruck assignments.