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(NEW) This feature is valid for Expeditions only.
For the visitAllZones substage in SnowRunner, see Visiting Zones.


The visitAllZones substage corresponds to an assignment where the player needs to visit the particular zone(s).

If necessary, the visitAllZones assignment can be set up so that the player will be able to visit the target zone with the Drone – as one of the possible variants of visiting (the mayVisitZoneWithDrone option). Or, you can even set up that visiting the zone by the drone is the only choice for the player (the visitWithDroneOnly option).

If you are creating zones that can be visited only with the Drone, you need to locate them not in the No Flight Zone that is automatically created near the edges of the map. For default Drone, the distance of No Flight Zone from the edge of the map is 170 meters. To measure distance in the Editor, you can user Ruler tool, see Toolbar Buttons for details. And, you should also take into account that, for default Drone, the maximum height (from the truck) is 30 meters.

TIP: If you have created your own Drone as a custom Inventory Item and want to use it for visiting zones, you can modify this No Flight Zone distance by tuning the noFlyZone parameter in the custom drone settings. And, in this case, you can also tune the heightLimitEnterZone parameter in the drone properties that sets the maximum height of the drone above the target zone for it to be considered "visited".

If you are configuring these Drone-only zones, ensure that you have enabled both visitWithDroneOnly and mayVisitZoneWithDrone options. If you enable only visitWithDroneOnly and leave mayVisitZoneWithDrone disabled, the player will not be able to visit this zone by any means, since visiting by the truck will be prohibited by enabled visitWithDroneOnly and visting by the drone will not be allowed since mayVisitZoneWithDrone is disabled.

NOTE: This substage may have multiple target zones that the player will need to visit. These zones correspond to records in the zones list: [0], [1], etc. Target zones and visiting options are set up on the per zone basis (within these records).


After selecting the appropriate settings type, the visitAllZones section will contain the following settings:

  • notification section – (Optional; Currently does not work.) Settings of the notification displayed to the player upon accomplishing the whole substage. See Notifications for details.

  • zones list – The list of zone-related assignments correspoding to zones that need to be visited. At least one record in this list is required. If you add multiple records to this list, the player will need to visit all of these zones, in any order, with the particular visiting settings specified on the per zone basis.

    • [0], [1], [2], etc. – The record of the particular zone-related assignment correspoding to the zone that needs to be visited.

      • OptionalToPerform(Optional) Enabling this option will mark this substage as optional. By default, this option is disabled and the substage is required. See Optional Substages for details.

      • uiDesc – The name of the substage that will be displayed in the UI of the game.

      • Truck need to visit Uid(Cannot be appropriately used in Expeditions.) In SnowRunner, this field allows to specify the identifier of the truck that the player needs to use to visit the target zone, where this truck is initially located on the map and has the same Id in its properties. However, in Expeditions, trucks are selected by the player and deployed to Deploy zones and there is no ability to sit into the truck that was initially (before deploying) located on the map. That's why this field cannot be used in Expeditions and there is no need to use it.

      • mayVisitZoneWithDrone(Optional) By default, disabled. Enabling this field allows the player to visit the target zone using the Drone. However, the player is able to visit it by truck instead, if they want to. Both types of "visiting" will accomplish the corresponding assignment.

      • visitWithDroneOnly(Optional) By default, disabled. Enabling this field requires the player to visit the target zone using the Drone. In this case, visiting of the target zone using the truck will not accomplish the assignment. If you enable the visitWithDroneOnly option, you need to enable the mayVisitZoneWithDrone option too – otherwise, the player will not be able to accomplish the assignment, see above.

        WARNING: If you are creating zones that can be visited only with the Drone, you need to locate them not in the No Flight Zone, see above.

      • notification(Optional) The notification to be displayed after completion of this zone-related assignment of the substage. See Notifications for details.

      • Fake Zones(Optional) The list of initially possible, but, after exploration, unsuitable zones for the execution of this assignment. See Fake Zones for details.

      • globalZoneId – The target zone that needs to be visited by the player.

      • radiusSett(Optional) The radius of the Zone Search Area where you want the player to search for the target zone, if you do not want to give the player its explicit location. See Zone Search Area for details.