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(NEW) This feature is valid for Expeditions only.
For the truckDelivery substage in SnowRunner, see Truck Delivery.


The truckDelivery substage corresponds to an assignment where the player needs to deliver the target truck located somewhere on the map to the particular zone(s).

To configure the takeInventory substage, you will need to add this target truck to the map in the Editor. And, in the properties of this truck in the Editor, specify the certain value of the Id field. After that, exactly the same value should be specified as Truck Uid for this truck in the takeInventory settings.

NOTE: This substage may have multiple target trucks that the player should deliver. These trucks correspond to records within the truckDelivery section: [0], [1], etc. The target zones where these trucks should be delivered and the Truck Uid values of these trucks are set up on the per truck basis (within these records).


The takeInventory section contains the following settings:

  • [0], [1], [2], etc. – The record of the particular zone-related assignment corresponding to the particular truck that the player needs to deliver.

    • Truck Uid – The identifier of the truck that the player will need to deliver to the target zone. Should be exactly the same as Id in the properties of the target truck, see above.

    • Truck UI Name – The name of the target truck that will be displayed in the UI.

    • afterStageFinished – The action that the game will perform with the target truck after the substage and/or the whole objective is accomplished:

      • REWARD(Not used in Expeditions. Currently, does not work.) Give the truck involved in the assignment as a reward to the player after the objective is finished.

        NOTE: Currently, the REWARD option works as DO_NOTHING. I.e., if it is selected, the target truck remains on the map after the stage is finished. And, in this case, no new trucks are added to the player's list of trucks, the target truck type is not unlocked, and, correspondingly, the target truck is not shown on the REWARDS screen. Alternatively, you can give a new truck (even not the one from the map) as a reward to the player using the ObjectiveRewardItem type in the rewards list of the objective. Or, unlock this truck type using ObjectiveRewardUnlock. For details, see Rewards.

      • DETACH(Not used in Expeditions, but still available.) After the stage is finished, the system will detach the truck involved in the assignment (if it has been attached to the player’s vehicle using the winch).

      • DESTROY(Objectives in Expeditions use this option.) After the stage is finished, the system will remove the truck involved in the assignment from the map.

      • DO_NOTHING(Not used in Expeditions, but still available.) After the stage is finished, the system will do nothing. I.e., the system will not destroy the truck, detach it, or give it as a reward.

    • Destroy After Substage (Dangerous!) – By default, disabled. When enabled, removes the truck involved in the assignment from the map not after accomplishing the stage, but after accomplishing the particular truckDelivery substage. For example, if the Stage [0] of your objective consists of two substage assignments – truckDelivery and vizitAllZones, you can remove the target truck involved in truckDelivery directly after completion of this substage, without waiting for the whole Stage [0] to finish.

    • uiDesc – The name of the substage that will be displayed in the UI of the game.

    • notification(Optional) The notification to be displayed after the truck delivery. See Notifications for details.

    • globalZoneDeliveryId – The target zone which this truck needs to be delivered to.

    • radiusSett(Optional) The radius of the Zone Search Area where you want the player to search for the target zone, if you do not want to give the player its explicit location. See Zone Search Area for details.

    • additionalDeliveryZones(Optional) the list of additional zones where the specified truck may be delivered (instead of the main target zone).