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Stages in Expeditions

(NEW) This topic is valid for Expeditions. For a similar SnowRunner topic, see Stages in SnowRunner.

General Info

All objectives in Expeditions and SnowRunner consist of Stages.

Every Stage corresponds to a group of assignments of particular types that the player needs to accomplish as a paticular stage of this objective. These assignments within a Stage are called Substages.

Stages are created in the Stages list within the properties of the objective. For example, you can create Stage [0], [1], [2], etc.

To create a Substage within a Stage, you need to fill in a certain section of settings within this Stage.

For example, you can expand the [0] stage within the Stages list of a Task and fill in the visitAllZones section within this [0] stage – to tell the player to visit a particular zone as a Substage of Stage [0]. By this, you will create the visitAllZones substage of the Stage [0].

NOTE: For more general info on Stages and Substages, see Objectives: Overview.

Possible Types of Substages in Expeditions

In Expeditions, the list of possible substage types is the following:

  • objectConstruction section – delivery of certain Inventory Items to the particular zone, with "building" objects, if necessary.
  • takeInventory section – the player needs to take certain Inventory Items from the particular zone.
  • truckDelivery section – delivery of a certain truck located on the map to the particular zone.
  • visitAllZones section – the player needs to visit particular zones.
  • minigameInfo section – the player needs to play a minigame of the particular type.
  • scoutingInfo section – the player needs to explore the particular areas of the map. Every such area is defined by the particular hidden zone, a certain radius around it, and a required percentage of area exploration.
  • Seismograph Settings section – the player needs to perform a seismic vibration in the particular zones. These zones themselves are not displayed on the map and the player needs to locate them.
  • freeRoamInfo section – this substage is used for the Free Roam mechanics only. If you want the player to be able to Free Roam on the map, you need to create the separate Expedition for this map and make only 1 Stage only in this Expedition, with the freeRoamInfo substage inside it.

Common Fields

Fields Common for All Stages

Unlike SnowRunner, Expeditions does not have properties that are common for all Stages (e.g. no needToStartTimer, etc.).

However, Substages in Expeditions do have some common fields, see below.

Fields Common for All Substages

Regardless of the fact that all substages listed above have some specific fields, there are ields that are available in most of substage types:

  • OptionalToPerform option – (Optional field; for all substages, except truckDelivery and freeRoamInfo) Disabled by default. When enabled, marks this substage as an optional one that can be skipped by the player. See Optional Substages for details.

  • notification section – (Optional settings; for all substages, except freeRoamInfo) settings of the notification displayed to the player upon accomplishing this substage and/or the particular zone-related assignment of this substage. See Notifications for details.

  • Fake Zones list – (Optional settings; for all substages, except truckDelivery and freeRoamInfo) The list of Fake Zones that the player may visit when trying to accomplish the substage, but that will be not suitable for the accomplishing the substage. See Fake Zones for details.

  • radiusSett section – (Optional field; or all substages, except scoutingInfo and freeRoamInfo) Allows you to hide the target zone of the substage from the map, but show the approximate area where it is located, of a certain radius. I.e., instead of giving explicit target location to the player, you give them area that they need to explore to locate the target zone. See Zone Search Area for details.

  • Model Building Settings section – (Optional settings; for objectConstruction and takeInventory substages) These optional sections allows you to link the process of "building" some object on the map to delivering/taking some object by the player. The model referenced in this section will chnage its state once this substage is accomplished. See Model Building Settings for details.

Some types of substages allow you to configure multiple zone-related assignments within a substage.

For example, when configuring visitAllZones substage, you can add multiple records to the zones list in its properties. And, in this case, the player will need to visit all zones mentioned in these records, in any order.

Or, when configuring objectConstruction substage, you can add multiple records to the zoneToFill list in its properties. And, correspondigly, the player will need to deliver items to all of these zones, also in any order, with the particular items to be delivered specified on the per zone basis.

Particularly, the following substage types support these multiple zone-related assignments: