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Common Fields of Objectives

(NEW) This feature is valid for Expeditions only.
For fields that are common for all objectives in SnowRunner, see Common Fields of Objectives.

Common Fields

In Expeditions, most fields of Expeditions, Contracts, and Tasks are the same.

They are the following:

  • Name – The name of the objective is specified when you create it, see the screenshot below. Particularly, when you create an Expedition/Contract in the contractsSettings list. Or, when you create a Task in the tasksSettings list. Please note, that, in the Zone Settings plugin, the Name of the objective is displayed as the name of the section that contains its properties. After the creation, it can be modified by pressing F2 or by double-clicking.

    WARNING: The names of the objectives must be unique. Even objectives with different types must have different names. For example, if a task and a contract have the same name, this can result in unpredicted behavior.

    TIP: If localization is necessary, you can use UI_IDENTIFIERS for localization strings within the text fields of objectives. See Localization for details.

  • Ui Desc – The description of your objective that will be displayed in the UI of the game.

  • Reward Description(Optional) The description of the reward that will be given to the player after accomplishing this objective. This descriptiion will be displayed in the UI. For details on rewards, see Rewards.

  • isRepeatable(Optional; Should not be used in Expeditions) In Expeditions, this field should not be used and will be removed. In SnowRunner, this option allows you to mark this objective as a repeatable one. If this option is enabled, the player becomes able to repeat the execution of the objective after finishing it. In Expeditions, it can be used only for Tasks. (TBD)

  • For Expeditions and Contracts, here goes the set of specific fields, see Expeditions and Contracts for details.

  • Stages – Settings of assignments given to the player during the objective. Every Stage corresponds to a group of assignments of particular types that the player needs to accomplish. These assignments within a Stage are called Substages. For details on Stages and Substages, see Stages in Expeditions.

  • Model Building Setting (Depend On Stages)(Optional) Settings of the model that will change its visual state (will be "built", will appear/disappear, etc.) when the player accomplishes certain stages of the objective. See Model Building Settings for details.

  • Blocker Objectives(Optional, currently this field is absent.) The list with the names (see Name above) of objectives you need to accomplish to unlock the current objective.

  • Required inventory(Optional, Should be used for Expeditions only.) The list of Inventory Items that are required for the execution of this objective. If this list is filled for an Expedition, the player will not be able to start it without this inventory.

    WARNING 1: Currently, the Required inventory list should be used for Expeditions only. It should not be used for Contracts or Tasks. In the future, it will be usable for Contracts too.

    WARNING 2: For an Expedition, all Inventory Items that are added to the Required inventory list (by Type or by itemName) must be available to the player in Headquarters. I.e., in the case of custom Inventory Items, every such item must have the canTakeInHq option enabled. Otherwise, the player will not be able to add the required item to Inventory when preparing for the Expedition and will not be able to start it.

    Every record of the required inventory in this list has the following fields:

    • itemName(Optional; Currently not implemented field.) The identifier of the particular required Inventory Item. (TBD)

    • Type – The type of required Inventory Item. One of the predefined types of inventory items should be selected here. For the full list of these types, see Appendix: Types of Inventory Items.

      NOTE: For the system, the specified itemName (see above) of the item has more priority than Type. However, if itemName is not specified, the necessary item will be required based on Type.

    • Required num – The reqired amount of the specified inventory item.

  • Required crew(Optional, Should be used for Expeditions only.) The list of Specialists that are required for the execution of this objective. If this list is filled for an Expedition, the player will not be able to start it without these crew members.

    WARNING: Currently, the Required crew list should be used for Expeditions only. It should not be used for Contracts or Tasks. In the future, it will be usable for Contracts too.

    Every record of the required Specialist in this list has the following fields:

    • Type – The type of Specialist that is required. One of the predefined types of Specialists should be selected here. (TBD)
  • Required truck addons(Optional, Should be used for Expeditions only.) The list of Truck Addons that are required for the execution of this objective. If this list is filled for an Expedition, the player will not be able to start it without these addons on one of the deployed trucks.

    WARNING: Currently, the Required truck addons list should be used for Expeditions only. It should not be used for Contracts or Tasks. In the future, it will be usable for Contracts too.

    Every record of the addon in this list has the following fields:

    • Type – The type of Truck Addon that is required. Can be one of the following:

  • rewards(Optional) The list of the rewards that will be given to the player after accomplishment of the objective. For example, you can give a new truck as a reward to the player using the ObjectiveRewardItem type. Or, unlock the particular zone with particular properties using ObjectiveRewardOpenZoneProperties. Or, even dynamically change the properties of the particular zone using ObjectiveRewardUpdateZoneProperties. For details, see Rewards.

  • trucksWithoutForceGrounding(Optional) The list of trucks that will not be correctly positioned on the map according to the height of the terrain. I.e., the list of trucks that are intentionally positioned incorrectly (e.g. are placed within the mud, below the terrain level). To add a truck to this list, assign an Id to it in the properties of the truck in the Editor, and add this Id to the list.

  • bonusRewards(Optional; Valid for Expeditions only) The list of additional money rewards that will be given to the player if the particular condition has been fulfilled during the execution of an Expedition objective. For example, you can give additional money to the player, if the truck's damage taken during the execution of the objective has been less than a certain limit. Or, when the player has used Recovery less than the certain number of times. For details, see Rewards.

    NOTE: bonusRewards are valid for Expeditions only. They are not valid for Contacts and Tasks.

  • For Tasks, here goes the set of specific fields, see Tasks for details.

Fields that Are Specific for Particular Types of Objectives

However, along with common fields, there are fields that are specific for particular types of objectives and are available only for them.

For fields specific for Expeditions and Contracts, see Expeditions and Contracts.

For fields specific for Tasks, see Tasks.