Zone for Farming Area
This topic is valid for SnowRunner only.
First of all, you need to create a zone for a Farming Area. This is done almost in a standard way:
You create a Zone in the Zones section in the Scene View panel (see Zones: Overview for details).
Importantly, you need to place it the location on the map where you want to create a farming area. And, you need to resize this precisely to the dimensions of the future farming area.
In the properties of the zone locator, fill in the Distributions group name field.
NOTE: The specified value will be the name of the group of distributions that you will create at Step 2. It must be exactly the same as the name of this group, otherwise the farming area will not work.
In the Zone Settings dialog, in the TERRAIN LOCATORS LIST there, expand properties of the created zone, and add the ZonePropertyFarmingArea property to the props section of the created zone.
NOTE: If all other things (all Steps) are set up correctly, farming will work even without the ZonePropertyFarmingArea property added to the props of the zone. However, we still recommend to always add it, since it affects some UI-related use cases (generation of UI text when there is no Ui Desc in the the farming Stage).
Specify all other properties of the zone and zone locator as you like, in a standard way.
After you have finished creating the zone for the farming area, you can proceed to creating distributions for it.