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Recommendations for Distributions

  • When painting plants in the Density mode, the recommended Value = 1.

  • When painting rocks/debris in the Density mode, the recommended Value = 0.7.
    To make the rocks more chaotic, you can use, for example, the following Scale settings for painting:

    • Size = 0.6

    • Value = 1.0

    • Falloff = 0.07

    • Autofade = false

    • Randomize = true

  • When painting canes (Canes) in the Density mode, the recommended Value = 0.6.

  • We recommend setting the Falloff value close to 0.

  • The higher the mountains, the smaller the trees.
    On distant high mountains, we recommend you to use the mature trees, but with a lower Scale value. This will allow them to disappear from a greater distance, and then the silhouette of the mountain will be visible longer.