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General Properties of Specialists

Main Properties

When creating a Specialist, you always begin with specifying the following main properties:

  • name – the identifier of the Specialist. The specified value should contain only Latin characters, digits, and underscores (_). It must not contain spaces ().

  • SpecialistSettings – The settings of the Specialist. You should select the SpecialistDesc class here.

General Properties

General properties are specified for all Specialists.

They are the following:

  • rang(Optional. Not used. Will be removed) This field is not used. It will be removed (TBD).

  • speciality – the class of the Specialist. Can be one of the following:

    • JAEGER

    WARNING: You must not select the NONE class in the speciality field. Specialists with the NONE class will crash the game. (TBD)

  • cost – The cost of hiring this Specialist.

  • isLocked – Whether or not this Specialist is locked. Locked specialists may be unlocked using a special reward granted after accomplishing the particular objective. See Rewards for details.

  • upgradeToUnlock(Optional. Not used. Will be removed) This field is not used. It will be removed (TBD).

  • uiName – The name of the Specialist in the UI. If localization is necessary, you can use UI_IDENTIFIERS for localization strings within this text field. See Localization for details. The name of the Specialist should not exceed 20 characters, including spaces.

  • uiDesc – The description of the Specialist in the UI. If localization is necessary, you can use UI_IDENTIFIERS for localization strings within this text field. See Localization for details. The description of the Specialist should not exceed 280 characters, including spaces.

  • bg – The name of the medium-sized image of Specialist that will be displayed in the list of specialists at the TEAM RECRUITMENT screen and in the Team Composition list at the EXPEDITION SETUP screen. Format: PNG, Dimensions: 380 x 92. Typically, this image has the transparent background and the image of the Specialist at the left side of it. Location of the image: This image should be put to the folder of this specialist within Documents\My Games\Expeditions\Media\Mods\, into the ui\textures subfolder there. The name of the image in this field should be specified without its file extension.

  • bgSmall – The name of the small image of Specialist that will be displayed in the upper list of specialist slots at the TEAM RECRUITMENT screen. Format: PNG, Dimensions: 124 x 52. Typically, this image has the transparent background and the image of the Specialist at the center of it. Location of the image: This image should be put to the folder of this specialist within Documents\My Games\Expeditions\Media\Mods\, into the ui\textures subfolder there. The name of the image in this field should be specified without its file extension.

  • bage – The name of the badge picture of the Specialist, without the file extension. This picture will be displayed within the badge of this specialist at the TEAM RECRUITMENT screen. Typically, this image has the transparent background and the image of the Specialist at the center of it. Format: PNG, Dimensions: 293 х 293. Location of the image: This image should be put to the folder of this specialist within Documents\My Games\Expeditions\Media\Mods\, into the ui\textures subfolder there.

  • dbg_hided(Optional. Will be removed) Enabling this option will hide this Specialist at the TEAM RECRUITMENT screen. This field will be removed (TBD).

  • modifiers – the list of modifiers of this Specialist. For the list of possible modifiers, see Modifiers of Specialists.