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General Properties of Inventory Items

Main Properties

As we stated in Creation of Custom Inventory Item, you always begin with specifying the following main properties:

  • name – the identifier of the custom inventory item. The specified value should contain only Latin characters, digits, and underscores (_). It must not contain spaces ().

  • InventoryItemDesc – The class of the the custom inventory item. See Creation of Custom Inventory Item for details.

General Properties

After selecting the class of the custom Inventory Item in InventoryltemDesc, you can specify its general properties.

These general properties are the same for all available classes:

  • type – the category of the item. See Custom Inventory Items: Overview for details.

  • defaultUseCount – the number of "charges" of this inventory item. These charges are spent at the moment of its usage. The -1 value means that the number of charges is infinite. Quest Items and Treasure Items typically have the value of 1 in this field, which means that there is 1 piece of this item.

  • cost - the purchase cost of this inventory item when preparing for the Expedition. Should be an integer value.

  • recycleRepairsCost – the Recycle Price of this inventory item, in Repair parts. Any positive values in this field mean that item can be recycled to the specified number of Repair parts in the Workshop FOB module. The special -1 value means that this item can not be recycled.

  • craftRepairsCost – the Craft Price of this inventory item, in repair parts. Any positive values in this field mean that item can be crafted from the specified number of Repair parts and will be available in the Workshop FOB module. The special -1 value means that this item can not be crafted. See also: craftUseCount below.

  • craftUseCount – the number of "charges" of this inventory item that will be available in the resulting item when it will be crafted. See also: craftRepairsCost above.

  • isUsable – this flag specifies whether or not this item can be used by the player in the game by pressing a corresponding button. For example, the player can "use" an item to execute its ability (e.g., Drone). Typically, quest items that just remain in the inventory have this parameter set to false, since they can not be used. And, items with ability have this parameter set to true, since they can be used. However, theoretically, there can be abilities that are used without execution of the "Use" command by the player, so these are just typical values.

  • isHeavyItem – this flag specifies whether or not this item is a "Heavy". Heavy Inventory Items can placed only in the truck's Sideboard. See Custom Inventory Items: Overview for details.

  • isTreasure – this flag specifies whether or not this item is a "Treasure Item". Treasure Items can be sold at the end of the Expedition. See Custom Inventory Items: Overview for details.

  • canTakeInHq – this flag specifies whether or not this item is purchasable in the HEADQUARTERS, when preparing for the Expedition. Please note that, currently, there is a limit on the simultaneously enabled mods of Inventory Items that are available in Headquarters, see Custom Inventory Items: Overview for details.

  • notForSale – TBD

  • Requested Ability type – the type of the ability that is used by this item. The set of abilities is fixed and the value in this field can be one of following:

    • NONE – items with no ability, quest items.
    • BINOCULAR – items with the Binoculars ability.
    • ANCHOR – items with the Anchor ability.
    • JACKSCREW – items with the Jack-Screw ability.
    • ECHOLOT – items with the Echo Sounder ability.
    • TOOLKIT(obsolete test ability, should not be used, will be removed)
    • PORTABLE_METEOSTATION(obsolete test ability, should not be used, will be removed)
    • FUEL_CANISTER(obsolete test ability, should not be used, will be removed)
    • INSPECTION(obsolete test ability, should not be used, will be removed)
    • DRONE– items with the Drone ability.

    IMPORTANT: Currently, along with the selection of the correct type and Requested Ability type, you need also to create instance of the correct class when creating an Item with Ability. See Creation of Custom Inventory Item for details.

  • Icon 20 – the identifier of the icon used in the UI, for requirements in HQ. The icon's dimensions are 20х20, its format is PNG. Currently, custom icons are not supported in this field. However, you can use the name of an original in-game icon in this field. See Appendix: Icons of Inventory Items and Consumables for details.

  • Icon 30 – the identifier of the icon used in the UI, for Summary and Specialist screens. The icon's dimensions are 30х30, its format is PNG. Currently, custom icons are not supported in this field. However, you can use the name of an original in-game icon in this field. See Appendix: Icons of Inventory Items and Consumables for details.

  • Icon 40 – the identifier of the icon used in the UI, on the map. The icon's dimensions are 40х40, its format is PNG. Currently, custom icons are not supported in this field. However, you can use the name of an original in-game icon in this field. See Appendix: Icons of Inventory Items and Consumables for details.

  • Icon 60 – the identifier of the icon used in the UI, in the Inventory. The icon's dimensions are 60х60, its format is PNG. Currently, custom icons are not supported in this field. However, you can use the name of an original in-game icon in this field. See Appendix: Icons of Inventory Items and Consumables for details.

  • uiName – the localization string of the item's name that will be used in the UI. The length of the localization string is limited to 20 characters, including spaces.

  • uiDesc – the localization string of the item's description that will be used in the UI. The length of the localization string is limited to 80 characters.

  • Icon Desc(Not customizable during modding).