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Appendix: Types of Inventory Items


Below you can find in-game inventory items with their type and other characteristics.

And, also, identifiers of some items that have the same type.

NOTE 1: When you will be creating your own custom items, you can change their characteristics as necessary. The table below is just an illustration of possible characteristics and all possible values of type.

NOTE 2: The "With Ability" VS "Quest Item" characteristics in the table below are listed from the internal and modding perspective, not from the point of the view of the player. For details, see Custom Inventory Items: Overview.


Inventory item(s) type With Ability Quest Item Treasure Item Heavy
Amulet AMULET - + - -
Removable Anchor, Anchor ANCHOR_SETUP + - - -
Camera Trap ANIMAL_TRAIL_CAMERA - + - -
Archeological Set ARCH_EQUIPMENT - + - -
Batteries BATTERY - + - -
Binoculars (always avail.) BINOCULAR + - - -
H-M Station Part BROKEN_HYDRO - + - -
Cactus Sap CACTUS - + - -
Candles CANDLES - + - -
Reed CANE - + - -
Cones CONES - + - -
Tree Crust CRUST - + - -
Dinosaur bone DINO_BONE - + - -
Drone (always avail.) DRONE + - - -
Echo Sounder (always avail.) ECHOLOT + - - -
Equipment Box EQUIPMENT_BOX - + - -
Fish FISH - + - -
Flight Recorder FLIGHT_RECORDER - - + -
(not used) FUEL_CANISTER N/A N/A N/A N/A
Portable Rig Part GEOLOGICAL_RIG - + - +
Gold Nugget GOLD_PRILL - + - -
Golden Toad GOLDEN_TOAD - + - -
Hydro-Monitoring System HYDROLOGICAL_SYSTEM - + - +
Jack-Screw JACK_SCREW + - - -
Jammer JAMMER - + - -
Light Beacon LED_FLARES - + - -
Hand Drawn Map MAP - + - -
Memory Card MEMORY_CARD - + - -
Metal Box METAL_BOX - + - -
Metal Nugget METAL_PRILL - + - -
Mushrooms MUSHROOMS - + - -
(not used) NONE N/A N/A N/A N/A
(not used) PENALTY_ITEM N/A N/A N/A N/A
Portable Meteostation PORTABLE_METEOSTATION - + - +
(Universal Quest Item type) QUEST_ITEM - + - -
Supplies QUEST_SUPPLIES - + - -
Radio station RADIO_STATION - + - +
Rig Parts RIG_PARTS - + - -
Scientific Equipment SCIENTIST_EQUIPMENT - + - -
Scrap metal (recyclable) SCRAP_FOR_WARKSHOP - - + -
Pile of metal SCRAP_METAL - + - -
Rangefinder SURVEY_RANGEFINDER - + - -
(not used) TOOLKIT N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dinosaur femur, rib, skull TREASURE - - + -
Quartz, Onyx, Ruby TREASURE - - + -
Flowers UNIQUE_FLOWERS - + - -
Camcorder VIDEO_CAMERA - + - -
Water Sample WATER_ANALYZIS - + - -

NOTE 3: Fuel, Repair parts, and Spare wheels are not Inventory Items from the modding perspective, see Custom Inventory Items: Overview.


For some items with the same type, identifiers may be necessary:

Inventory item type Identifier
Anchor ANCHOR_SETUP Anchor_not_removable
Removable Anchor ANCHOR_SETUP Anchor